This methodology offers you a practical, revolutionary,
step-by-step guide to building a life of fulfillment.

The Parinama Method Deluxe Edition is an 8.5" x 11’ guidebook with 336 lush, full-color pages giving you access to the complete, comprehensive method that has the power to transform everything in your life.
With The Parinama Method, you'll have the tools to:
Access and activate all levels of your existence using The Comprehensive Method for all 7 Hubs
Integrate proven methods for permanent self-transformation including physical practices, techniques, worksheets, assessments, and recommended routines
Finally answer the question: “What is my life purpose?” and know how to create and build it
The 7 Hubs are ordering principles for all facets of your existence.

Learn the initial development, basics, and themes of each hub
Understand interrupters and stressors to a hub's growth a development
Know and identify the survival and responsive adaptation patterns for the hub
Exercises and techniques to restore the dynamism and capacity to the hub

When you access, accept, and activate the hubs, you will achieve greater dynamism and capacity in every aspect of life.
The practice of TPM provides a complete roadmap for self-actualization including exercises and techniques to create real-time transformation in your life.
Integrated practices and exercises for all
7 Hubs
The Parinama Method contains straightforward and accessible practices that can be easily incorporated into a busy day to create both immediate and long-term transformation in all areas of your life.

TPM Classic Technique - Rapidly assess overwhelming situations and quickly determine a course of action
TPM Bodymind Technique - Use sensation as a way to turn everyday stress into guidance for taking effective action.
TPM Morning Sequence - Increase your capacity for dealing with challenging situations in everyday life by starting your day with a short but impactful practice that both enlivens your body and mind while finding peace and stillness.
TPM Evening Sequence - Release tension from the body and mind to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.​
TPM Interruption Assessment - Understand yourself with better self-awareness and self-compassion.
And so much more...

The Parinama Method has the power to impact every area of your life.
There's a version of your life that is wholly and unapologetically true to who you are at your very core.
And, while we want nothing more than for you to have the life-changing experiences that come from using The Parinama Method — the timing needs to be right for you to begin this process.
Take a moment to reflect.

Check that the bottoms of your feet are on the floor.
Coordinate the movement of your breath in and out with the ball below.
Place your hand on your chest and feel your body moving with your breath.
Stay with this until you feel calm.

If you still need more time to explore what The Parinama Method is and how it can help you, Join the Collective.